Friday, January 21, 2011

A Whole New World

For as long as I can remember software has been my passion.  Having been born in the mid/late 1970's I've been fortunate to grow side by side with the computer.  Sure computers existed before my time but they didn't exist in the every day life of a typical person and certainly didn't exist in the home.  I feel a unique bond with computers as I'm sure many of my generation does because it's seemingly all we've ever known.  I don't remember a time without computers, like my parents, and I have a clear perspective of where they started, unlike my children.

From the Apple I to the Atari 2600 (My first computer) to the Commodore 64 (My second) to the IBM PCs of the '80s, build you own craze of the 90's and the mass production Gateway and Dell era of the new millennium, I've experienced the whole ride. I wasn't alive when the internet was technically invented but I was when it certainly emerged on the scene. It most perfectly coincided with my maturation from child to adult mirroring it's own maturation. All throughout my life it seems as I've grown and evolved so has the computer.

Which brings us to today.  The era of the smart phone is in full bloom.  Having the power of a personal computer and the internet in the palm of your hand wherever you go is an amazing feeling and one worthy of true appreciation.  Looking back I gaze in wonder at how far the computer has come and yet it feels so natural.  More than ever I'm giddy with excitement for the journey that lay ahead.

I recently, well 6 months ago, purchased a Droid X.  Besides the corporate provided Blackberries it's truly my first smart phone. For some reason I was not an early adopter of the smart phone or mobile phones in general. It's truly atypical of me to not be playing with the cutting edge technologies but for one reason or another I resisted.  I now regret every minute of it. For the first time in my life I feel like the old man just trying to figure out how his VCR works. But I plan to change all of that, I'll catch back up and I'll be sure not to make that mistake twice.

I've made the plunge into the world of Android development and the water is perfect.  I've created this blog to chronicle my journey through Android development and share my experiences with any and all who care to read them.  Hopefully I help someone along the way.


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